Foothills Prayer Weekly

We love to pray for our church family! If you would like prayer, or would like to join our prayer team, please click the buttons below.

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Read our Newsletter

A great way to learn more about what's going on at Foothills is to receive and read our regular email, which we call the e-News. It comes out about twice a month, straight to your inbox.

Online Church Directory

Getting connected in our church community has never been easier! Click below for more information.


Pizza With the Pastors

We schedule a lunch gathering each quarter on a Sunday at noon, where pastors can meet with guests and newcomers to Foothills. This informal meal happens in our kitchen after second service. It's a great time to meet the pastors and staff, ask questions, and break the ice with us.

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Download the Foothills App

For the "inside" view of Foothills, download our app, available for all devices at app stores. You'll find sermon audio, sermon slides, an online bulletin and much more.

Join a Group

The best way to plug into Foothills is to join a Life Group. These groups meet at various homes throughout the school year, take a break in the summer, and form again in the fall. Most Life Groups are multi-generational and members pray for each other and discuss that week's sermon together. 

You can join a Life Group at anytime. Email discipleship pastor Rob Baddeley to ask about being part of a Life Group. Find out more about Groups at Foothills here.

Get Baptized

Baptism is an outward witness of faith in Jesus Christ. Baptism is not a way to salvation, but rather is a sign that salvation by faith has occurred. Therefore, baptism is for those who have professed a faith in Jesus.

Baptisms take place during Sunday worship services. We baptize with water immersion because it points to our death and resurrection in Jesus. Baptisms may be performed by a dad, pastor, elder, or other spiritual leader from our church body. We prefer that men take the leadership role in baptisms. Those being baptized may also ask a family member, friend, or mentor to read their testimonies.


Become a Member

Membership at Foothills begins at Starting Point. This three session class is offered two or three times a year. In Starting Point, you can expect to learn more about the body of Foothills. We’ll discuss the history, practices and core values of our church. You’ll learn how to go from attending a great church, to becoming part of a great church.

Starting Point is your next step to explore membership at Foothills. Email Rob Baddeley, our Discipleship Pastor HERE, to find out when our next Starting Point begins.

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Serve With Us

There are many ways to serve at Foothills and outside our church walls. Service at Foothills typically comes after someone has gone through the Starting Point group and is a covenant member of Foothills.

Children's Ministries: Spend time leading a Sunday-morning small group for kids, hold babies in the nursery, or invest in the lives of middle and high school students.

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Hospitality Team: Greet people coming in our doors, answer questions from guests, help someone find a seat, make coffee and pray.

Worship Team: Share your musical talent as part of our Sunday-morning worship team, or go behind the scenes to assist with lighting, projection and sound.

Groups: Lead a small group and shepherd others as we read the Bible, pray together and enjoy fellowship. Or, open up your home and host a group.

Kitchen Team: Keep our beautiful kitchen running smoothly with your organizational and neatness skills and lovingly assist various groups that use the kitchen.

Groundskeeping: Join our groundskeeping team and assist with maintenance of lawns, garden beds, trees and shrubs.